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  Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui
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August 2024
Issue No. 321

’Tis the Season of Creation – an Anglican Communion-wide initiative

The Season of Creation: a ministry initiative introduced by
Christian and environmental organisations all over the world


The Five Marks of Mission sits as one of the foundations of the Anglican Communion, and the fifth is to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth. In order to promote this spirit of protecting the dignity of all creation, and to maintain its continuity, the General Synod’s Standing Committee started its Task Force for the Ministry of Environmental Conservation back in 2016. In the Task Force are representatives from parishes, schools, and social service units. In 2024, the 9th General Synod’s Standing Committee updated the Task Force’s members, and made it the Force’s responsibility to review, plan, and execute the environmental policies and related measures within the Province, maintaining amiable communications with governmental and civic environmental organisations, and promoting cooperation between parishes, schools, and social service units, all for the better implementation of the fifth mark of mission.

Through the Task Force, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui has supported and took part in various green initiatives, including becoming a co-signatory of the Environment Bureau''s ‘Charter on External Lighting’ (2016), and encouraging its implementation throughout the Province. In recognition of the Province’s efforts, the Environment Bureau (now the Environment and Ecology Bureau) awarded Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui with the Platinum Award in 2018.

Recently, the Anglican Communion Environmental Network (ACEN), together with the Global Catholic Climate Movement and World Council of Churches, has introduced the ‘Season of Creation’ initiative. Joining this global effort, our Province’s Task Force now encourages members of the HKSKH to offer prayers for the protection of God’s creation.

Newest developments

This term’s Task Force met to review the progress made last term, and has set the following four items as future goals:

Voice: theological reflection – to communicate and respond to policies and consensus agreed by the Anglican Communion on the situation of climate change; to interpret environmental issues in our society from the perspective of church and faith; to offer practical recommendations on stances, policies, and strategies on environmental issues within the church, education, and social services spheres; to resolve and disseminate information regarding environmental issues from the Anglican Communion, other Churches, and wider society, via existing channels and resources in our parishes, schools, and social service units.

Actions: faithful praxis – putting an emphasis on practical green actions within the parish, including: prioritising waste reduction, and promoting recycling, e.g. bringing your own cutlery to parish meals; reducing the print volume of paper publications, promoting their recycling after use, and promoting the electronic version; study and implement power-saving systems and policies for air-conditioning, lighting, computers, and various electronic devices; study the implementation of renewable energy sources (e.g. solar energy), etc. The Task Force is open to concrete suggestions from church members, and seeks to reach a consensus before implementing such green policies, with the aim of ‘Reaching unity from diversity’.

Change: contextual collaboration – arranging for situations where success stories can be shared between parishes, schools, and social services, in order to encourage, facilitate, and promote effective and sustainable policies that meet the needs and circumstances of Hong Kong.

Capacity: building on mutual respect between parishes, schools, and social services, each seeking dialogue using their existing channels and resources, in facilitating the implementation of policies, and exploring resources for providing practical training and support, in order to increase the synergy and resilience needed for long-term cooperation. 

Shopping mall exhibition and workshop, with St James’ Settlement
and Jockey Club Upcycling Centre


The Task Force is currently exploring ways to act in concert with the government’s current environmental policies, and proactively respond to, participate in, and promote such related environmental measures. This term’s Task Force will also continue with what the previous term has started, and facilitate various activities under the Season of Creation initiative.

The Task Force will regularly post online various information, prayers, and articles on the topic of environmental protection from the perspective of church and faith. 

Season of Creation service and an exhibition on experiences in environmental protection

On Saturday 7th September, 4:30PM, the Task Force will be holding a panel session at St John’s Cathedral. Lam Chiu Ying, Former Director of the Hong Kong Observatory will be in dialogue with Dean Samson Fan, who is a member of the Task Force. At 6PM, a service for the ‘Season of Creation’ will be held, which includes a commissioning of ‘environmental ambassadors’. The Archbishop, Andrew Chan will be celebrating, and environmental ambassadors appointed by parishes, schools, and social service units will be attending.

On the same day (Saturday 7 September), an exhibition on experiences in environmental protection will be set up in the Li Hall of St John’s Cathedral. The same exhibition will be moved to All Saints’ Cathedral afterwards, and remain there from Sunday 8 till Saturday 14 September, after which it will move to Holy Trinity Cathedral, from 15 to 21 September. During the period, the Revd Canon Lam Chun Wai will be writing Eucharistic Prayers and Intercessions for parishes to adopt. The Echo will also publish a special column on environmentalism in September.

Advocacy for environmentalism 

Should members of the Task Force or the wider church wish to participate in the discussion on environmental issues within our Church, please contact the Task Force for the Ministry of Environmental Conservation. Should any parish, school, or social service unit come across challenges in implementing environmental measures, please also contact the Task Force – we’ll be more than happy to advise potential solutions.

Please email the Task Force via the Echo’s email address: <>, with the subject ‘Green Effort’.



<The above article was published in "Echo" Issue No. 321. Please click here>


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